Samsung Headquarter, Toronto, 129,559 sq. ft.
Inspired by the connectivity that Samsung’s products stimulate, the new headquarters offices’ design seeks to maximize communication and become a leading node for attracting and retaining the best and the brightest, thus enhancing Samsung’s brand and creative image in Canada. Samsung shed a conventional approach to office design, working with furniture manufacturer Teknion and furniture dealer Office Max to create a workspace where creativity can flourish. 
aga3D developed design and sales presentation for Phase One of the Samsung project, which entailed purchasing new furniture for 550 workstations and 29 offices, as well as furnishings for the reception area, a formal boardroom, casual meeting spaces, idea rooms, enclaves, training areas and a cafeteria. 3D mock-ups were created to illustrate the new office landscape, providing a balance of open and enclosed spaces, furniture that can be adjusted and moved around, and both low- and high-tech work tools such as whiteboards and touch screens; and custom solutions developed to fulfill very specific functional or aesthetic requirements.
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